Writing tips

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These tips are based on my experience writing for an online audience.

Keep it relevant

Just like our periodicals, writing for an online audience is really about “keeping abreast of the times” so keep your words and images relevant to current thought.

Keep it simple and clear

Keep your text very simple – too many words make healing sound difficult. Choose words and quotations that cannot be misconstrued or misinterpreted.

Let our Pastor speak directly

Don’t preach but let the Pastor speak simply and directly to the need your are wanting to address.

Avoid controversy

Be very sensitive to the fears of your online readers and avoid any words or images that may incite anger or fear. When in doubt, leave it out.

Avoid jargon

Avoid the use of jargon. If possible get someone else to read your introduction who is not a Christian Scientist.

Words of comfort

Give the reader a “cup of cold water” they can take away with them, even if they don’t get to click on the article or read further. A healing message that meets their need right there and then.

Speak gently

Remember the words of Hymn 315: “Speak gently, let no harsh word mar the good we may do here. Speak gently to the erring ones, they must have toiled in vain; Perchance unkindness made them so; O win them back again.”

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