Keyword research: know your audience

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The key to writing successful website copy is to know your audience. Keyword research is an excellent way to check whether people are actually searching on the topic you’ve chosen, and also to identify relevant phrases to use in your pages and posts. This helps to improve your search ranking on Google and other search engines.

Keyword research

The following tools are helpful:

Do some research on your chosen topic and any you find in your chosen article (if sharing an article). Identify the keywords (phrases) that you think are motivated by an interest in your topic.

The Google Adwords Keyword Planning Tool is the best one for narrowing your results to a geographical area. You may need to create an account before you will be able to access the tool. When using this tool, the keywords that show low competition are preferable as your website is more likely to rank in search engine results for these words.

Use these key phrases as “tags” in your post. This will enable your post to appear in search engine results for the chosen phrase. Read more about tags in the tutorial Posts: using tags to bring relevance.